Don’t be surprised when life is hard: Expect suffering, and what follows is glory. Christian Siania – 1 Peter 5:1–14
Christianity should come with disclosures – like prescription drugs – that trials and sufferings will come. But there is blessing when you suffer with Jesus. Christian Siania – 1 Peter…
What should we expect from the Christian life? Christian Siania – 1 Peter 4:1–11
What's the good life? The good life begins here: with your new identity in Christ. Christian Siania – 1 Peter 3:8-22
When God brings us into a new world of freedom and glory, this includes respect within martial relationships. Mark Brians – 1 Peter 3:1-7
We are called to honor God. How do we do that, and what does that look like? Zach Markwith – 1 Peter 2:11-25
Those who follow Jesus have a purpose that's found in their new identity: As exiles, they are to reveal Christ in the world. Christian Siania – 1 Peter 2:4–10
If you are a Christian, you have been born again and yet are called to live in this world, Paul gives a "new life orientation" . Christian Siania – 1…
In our new sermon series, discover Jesus revealed. In Him, find joy that lasts when all else fades. Christian Siania – 1 Peter 1:1–12